Financial Education Center

Why Women Need Life Insurance

Today, women have more financial responsibilities than ever before. How will your family or loved ones manage financially if you die? Whether you are single, married, employed, or a stay-at-home mom, you probably need life insurance. At the very least, life insurance can help pay for the costs of funeral and burial services, estate administration, outstanding debts, estate taxes, and the uninsured expenses of a final illness.

Helping Teens Gain Financial Readiness

Thanks to our 24/7 digital world, kids are now marketed to more than any other generation in history.

College Savings Option

It is important for parents to start putting money aside for college as early as possible. But where should you put your money? There are many possibilities, each with varied features.

An Education in Financial Matters

If you’re just starting out in the world of banking, it can be very overwhelming. Let’s run through some commonly asked questions as you enter adulthood and transition to a better way of banking.

Creative Solutions to Lower the Cost of College

Saving money, borrowing money, and financial aid are the most obvious ways to pay for college. But none of these methods attempt to lower the actual cost of college. There are several creative ways to lower the cost of college, which, in turn, will lower your own costs.

Managing Expenses During the College Years

For most parents, paying for a child's college or graduate school education is a major event. For some parents, it rivals only the purchase of a home in number of dollars spent. As the cost of college continues to rise, it's little wonder that parents view their ability to pay college costs with some apprehension.